The song of worship to Jesus at His birth is the same song that we sing today.
It is the song of Mary’s praise,
“For He made this promise to our ancestors, to Abraham and his children forever.”
(Luke 1:55)
It is the song of Zechariah,
“Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because He has visited and redeemed His people.”
(Luke 1:68)
It is the song of the angels with the shepherds,
“Glory to God in the highest Heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
(Luke 2:14)
It is the song of the wise men;
as they “bowed and worshiped Him”, laying down their treasures.
(Matthew 2:11)
It is the song of Simeon,
“He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and He is the glory of your people Israel.”
(Luke 2:32)
When Light came into the world, the song of the redeemed began.
Here and now, we join in with the song.
For every aspect of the redemption plan from the Father was wrapped in that cloth, and lying in that manger.
Within this small and weak baby was the very heart that chose the cross.
This infant would soon grow in wisdom and stature, to take the scroll and proclaim good news to the poor.
Within this baby was the rider named “Faithful and True”, who will soon break the seals and come on the clouds.
And this is why the vast angel armies of Heaven appeared to the shepherds in the fields and sang the praises, “Glory to God in the highest Heaven…”
Every praise that Jesus is worthy of now,
He was fully worthy of then… as a holy yet lowly infant in that manger.
And every song of worship that He was worthy of then,
He is still worthy of now, as a Man seated on His throne.
When the “morning Light from Heaven” broke upon us - and the Savior was born - the song of the redeemed began.
One lifted by a mother, angel armies and wisemen.
What is sung by the saints surrounding the throne,
“Great and marvelous are your works,” (Revelation 15) …
was the same song of praise that surrounded the manger.
These are the very praises that we sing, here and now.
Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
Yet this day, we join in with the song that broke forth in Bethlehem, at the birth of the Light of the world…
The song of the redeemed.
“You were worthy then! You are worthy now!
Jesus above it all!”