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"The Hopeful": A Parable of the Sea

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

The enemies were coming upon the people.

They were growing stronger and rapidly approaching the shores;

coming in from ships on the sea.

That day, the people lined in rows on the shore, in militant formation… Though none were armed for battle.

They stood their ground.

As the enemies arrived, one by one, the people were impaled.

They fell to their knees in death - starting from those on the front lines.

What the enemies could not comprehend were the ones who volunteered for the front lines… Those who rose the standard “C” high above their heads with their right hand;

ones who held Hope in their heart.

Upon falling to their knees in death, the first wave of the sea came crashing on the shore; washing over the front lines. The wave… that was deep and engulfing… revived The Hopeful back to life.

This new life now made them immortal — giving them the freedom to then run behind to those who had yet to be impaled. There was still time before their death, and the next wave had not yet washed over them.

The immortal urged those in rows behind to have Hope, and to raise their standard, “C” , high above their head with their right hand. If they carried Hope in their hearts, and displayed it by raising the standard, they would be revived to life by the next wave of the sea.

If they did not - even as the wave washed over - this would be their final end.

Eventually, everyone of the people had been killed.

The enemies departed.

Yet, waves and more waves of the deep sea came crashing further on the shore.

And many… The Hopeful… were brought back to immortal life.

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