Adam was wounded for Eve.
The Lord took his rib, causing his side to be wounded to create his bride.
Jesus was wounded for His Church.
He was pierced on His side, wounded to create His Bride.
We know that the Lord enclosed Adam’s opening after wounding his side.
We know that Jesus still carries the scars of love from His cross.
Could it be that Adam bore the scar on his side too?
Could this occurrence be the very first picture of what it takes
for the Father to give the Son His Bride?
That a Man would have to give of His body and blood,
yielding to the will of the Father, to receive His Equal?
“This is bone of my bone,
flesh of my flesh…”
“The two are united into one.”
We are one with Christ…
the Greater Adam…
our Bridegroom and Wounded Lover.
Genesis 2:21-24
Galatians 2:20